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17 May 2016


Capres Willow


So, I have decided to take part in something a bit wild and crazy... something a bit out of this world (well almost); A SKY DIVE!

Now this skydive will be holding a special place in my heart, and I am going to need all my AMAZING READERS help!

Here is my story:

 As most of you know, I am Capres Willow Turner, an 18 year old that loves adventure, travel and food. 

During 2001 my mother, Lindy- Lou was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled long and hard, like many cancer sufferers do and unfortunately passed away 5 years later on 18th December 2006. Now, I know you're probably thinking - as harsh as it may seem- she is another statistic as countless people are diagnosed each year, and yes not all of them make it our the other side.

So why are you here?

Well here's the thing. I've decided to do a charity skydive not only in my mothers memory, but for a special charity that has made a direct impact to our lives. The Willow Foundation. This charity contributed towards a very special trip for my mother, sister and I during her final years with us. A trip to Centre Parcs. Now this may not sound like much, but my mother had been our sole carer through the whole ordeal of her Cancer. She never failed to wake up and take us to school. Treat us to the cinema once in a while. Love us, cherish us and most of all never give up hope. I know I was young, but I truly did not see her death coming, and neither did many of her friends and supporters.

Through The Willow Foundation my sister and I were able to create a happy, lasting memory of my mother, where her disease was left at home and we, as a family were able to live, laugh and love! Lindy-Lou had filmed much of our trip in short bursts, to help us, when we were older remember exactly who she was, how she looked, her voice and her personality; wonderful and free!

Through following this link at Virgin Money Giving, you can sponsor me on my crazy skydive and donations will be quickly processed and passed to The Willow Foundation where they can continue to provide special days and trips for other seriously ill people, bringing a little light into their lives! 
Virgin Money Giving is a not for profit organisation and will claim gift aid on a charity's behalf where the donor is eligible for this.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read my message to you, and of course all your support and donations.


Capres Willow Turner x

Capres Willow / Author & Editor

Passionate, adventurous and full of life! I'm 21 years young and excited for what the world has install for me. Follow me on my journeys...


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