I began the day by being very uncertain about whether I should visit Mt. Schilthorn or not as I would be left with almost no money and also it was raining in Luzern. I decided to just go anyway as I had heard the train journey was very picturesque and the Bernese Oberlands were just spectacular, but it was raining for the whole journey.
After making the decision to visit, but incase it was too rainy and cloudy I would do some more sight seeing in Luzern first (as the rain was very light). I made my way on foot to Luzern's famous Lion Monument to begin with- after getting lost (this place was so easy to find and I have no idea how I missed the turn). The Lion Monument, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen commemorates the fallen Swiss Guards who were brutally massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution. The monument, measuring 10 meters in length and 6 meters in height was notably praised by Mark Twain as 'the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world'. It was very beautiful to look at and the ambiance of the garden in which it lies brought on a moment of reflection. The movements we become a part of, the things we fight for in life, the people we are willing to hurt in the name of a cause, the hope that lies within so many, this monument represents so much more than just loss of lives, but rather complete social reformation and the cost that societies -past, present and future- set so high in order for a nation to be free.
My next stop was the Church of Saint. Leodegar that I found to be tall and grand, without being too obnoxious. I of course lit a candle for my wonderful mother.
Candle for my Mumma |
Finally after some wandering and strolling I decided to catch the train at 12:05 to Interlaken and therefore had an hour to experience one of Luzern's famous museums. I decided to go to the one conveniently located next to the train station; Kunstmuseum Luzern. Looking back I do regret not leaving myself an entire day to really explore Luzern as the galleries and museums were really of a high standard. I had free admission thanks to my Swiss Pass (click to read about whether I believe it is worth it), and was so impressed with the installations. I've done my fair share of galleries and museums in London but I do still class myself as a novice, however the Kunstmuseum in Luzern was something quite alluring. Every installation I found thought provoking, amusing, fun or just pleasing to the eye. I often became a part of the art and now in heinsight, should have spent longer in the museums and lesser time on the trains. The joy of heinsight- you will only know once it's too late.
I did have a lovely train journey though and arrived at Interlaken 2 hours later, but seemed to be raining even harder than when I had got on the train. I connected to the WiFi, had a moan to Vinny about the weather (as us Brits do) then asked for advice on what to do from the man working at the station. He laughed at my misfortune and suggested that I visit Bern as there was lots of lovely shops to visit and 'it is of course the capital!'
A train was leaving in 5 minutes and so I made haste, ensuring I hopped on the correct train, and that was it, I was spending my afternoon in the Swiss capital!
Arriving in Bern, I was slightly confused. Needless to say I walked in circles, and eventually just followed the direction of the trams which proved to be a good decision as I soon found myself strolling among the bustling city centre.
I wandered around for a few hours, taking pictures and admiring the views (although I must admit, Luzern beats Bern by miles... beauty wise.) I bought some cheese at a Fromagerie and soon found myself in a chocolate shop- Läderach!
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Läderach Chocolate! |
As Switzerland is a bilingual (is that the word?) country I found myself trying my hardest to be polite and speak in the native language, which in Luzern was German however in Bern they speak both! I am much more confident in French and was delighted when I found people responding to me in French, though it felt at times rather confusing, especially as I was travelling cross country!
Federal Palace of Switzerland |
After some shopping and sight seeing, I decided to go for a meal in a nice restaurant. I had wanted to eat at a traditional Swiss place for a while but wasn't willing to pay the extortionate prices in Luzern, so Bern seemed like a better idea.
Diary Entry from the Restaurant;
I am in a great little restaurant in the center of Bern called Le Mazat. I came for a Cheese Fondue but decided to get their famous 'Rotzi'- Swiss Cheese and Black Pepper, instead.
Worst mistake. It was not great.
I started off writing this entry before my food came and here I am regretting my decision majorly! That was literally the worst 19.50 CHF I have spent! I should have just saved the money and attempted Mt. Schilthorn tomorrow.
Let me briefly explain what exactly a Rotzi is as I didn't include it in my entry... So think a large round clay bowl filled with finely sliced new potatoes and a lot of cheese and a little bit of butter. Heart attack worthy? Yes. Makes you feel like a baby cow? Yes. Tasty in any way... well the first 3 mouthfuls weren't bad but it then very quickly begins to taste like a bad jacket potato. They did have other fillings like ham and chicken etc but the waiter was quite rude and didn't seem to interested when I asked him on his opinion, so I just went for the 'safe' option. Sigh.
I feel so bad as a lovely American couple came in and saw what I had ordered and thought it looked delicious. They asked my opinion and the staff were standing right near me so I nodded and said 'it's quite tasty'. Why did I lie? The poor buggars then both ordered the exact same thing as me!! Well I hope they like bland food otherwise they will think I have a screw missing.
I finished up as I try not to waste food and then paid my bill and left. I spent about an hour more as the shops and markets were closing looking around to see if I had missed anywhere although I began to feel quite lost. Bern wasn't the easiest place to navigate around and so I therefore decided to head home before it got too dark.
The train journey was relaxing and by the time I got to the hostel I had kind of recharged my batteries. I signed into the WiFi for a while and updated Vinny on my day, whilst posting a couple Instagram snaps, then figured it was a Friday night so why should I stay in if I wasn't tired? I was on an adventure after all- my first solo one at that! I went up to my room and put on a bit of mascara, picked up my ID and headed out. On my way I saw the two girls that were also sleeping in my dorm. They were both from Argentina and backpacking around Europe. I asked them if they were interested in finding a bar or club but I was looked at like I was crazy, so I was off by myself.
The train journey was relaxing and by the time I got to the hostel I had kind of recharged my batteries. I signed into the WiFi for a while and updated Vinny on my day, whilst posting a couple Instagram snaps, then figured it was a Friday night so why should I stay in if I wasn't tired? I was on an adventure after all- my first solo one at that! I went up to my room and put on a bit of mascara, picked up my ID and headed out. On my way I saw the two girls that were also sleeping in my dorm. They were both from Argentina and backpacking around Europe. I asked them if they were interested in finding a bar or club but I was looked at like I was crazy, so I was off by myself.
Diary Entry from Friday night;
I wandered about for ages, Luzern feels very safe, even at night and eventually came across a park where I picked up some random WiFi from a nearby bar called MAX's. There were benches in the park but they were all wet so I decided to head closer to the bar where there was outdoor seating. The music was thumping for a Friday night and I sat, snap chatting, afraid to go in as I was completely alone! I hardly go into bars by myself in London... but then again, 'nobody knows me here'. I eventually plucked up the courage and showed my ID to the bouncer whom I chatted with a little then proceeded inside.
The Swiss are known to be cold people, but like anyone, with a drink in their system they open up and become friendly. I ordered my usual Gin & Tonic then went to find a seat. I sat on a bar stool alone with my phone glued to my hand, stirring and sipping on my drink. I bopped awkwardly to the music and sat around for about 10 minutes until two girls came next to me to order a round of drinks. I smiled then carried on staring at my phone but the girl directly next to me picked up a leaf of peppermint and whilst giggling, dropped it into my glass. In laughed as I understood it was done in a friendly joking way and she then grabbed a straw and added it in. I laughed again as
I could see she was a little tipsy and she then started speaking to me in German. I said in my best German accent, 'nein, English?' To which she replied, 'a little!' From there she introduced me to her friend she was standing with and we briefly chatted till she invited me over to the table where they were sat. There was about 5 of them to begin with but slowly more and more friends and friends of friends arrived to join the party. By the end of the night there was 9 of us! We spent the night drinking a crazy drink with a long name ending in 'Meister' which I was told got you f#*ked up, talking about our different but not so different (if you get me) lives and generally having a good time. Her name was Tamara and her best friend (who's name I'm trying to remember) were so so welcoming and kind to me, plus they were both absolute beauties. Then there was Tamara's good friend who was going out with her best friend, and then Michael or Miri who was super funny and kept telling me about his black girlfriend and how much he loved curly hair, and my hair... and my face! Hahaha! There was then heaps of others that would come and go and by the end of the night, after I had practiced meine Deutsch, we decided to all start heading home. Marcus, one of the guys that had come slightly later and I had been getting along well and were chatting about our complicated love lives. I was going to walk back with the girls but they decided to get a cab as they were quite drunk and so I walked with Miri and Marcus. Marcus pulled out some ganja and invited me to join them for a quick sesh, so I thought ayyy, why not? I assume they were planning a quick session but ended up taking forrrrever to roll the damn thing. Two Austrian guys also came and joined us, now in the park and at this point I was tired and wanted to go home- but I had waited so long... what difference would another 10 minutes make? We didn't smoke nearly enough to have any kind of effect but still it was cool to think I had smoked in Switzerland. The two guys- Marcus and Miri, ended up walking me as far as the lake and from there it was only another 6 or 7 minutes. They wanted to roll again but there was no way I was waiting for what would turn into 45 minutes for them so I set off alone. There was no buses running as it was about 3AM but I did actually feel rather safe. I kept my wits about me though and power walked my way back to the hostel. Once in I was straight to bed! Ahhhhhhh.

The Friday night in Luzern had taught me a lot. Not only was I a confident and open young woman, but when I put my mind to it... I could achieve anything! Even making friends in a bar full of Swiss people!
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