I go to a University notorious for 'breaking down boundaries' and 'challenging the norms'. To begin with, I felt as though my university was not as wild and out there as it was made out to be. My freshers week was a slight let down as the student union were what I feel is best described as lazy and hardly made an effort to make the first years feel super welcome. To follow, going to university in London is not like going to university in Manchester, (a university I had considered applying to). It was only until I found myself at City University, London, helping a friend out with her exam - not cheating, I was her patient in her optometry exam! - that I saw how different Goldsmiths was to the rest of them. I could walk the halls and be absolutely anyone I wanted to be. Today I could wear a beret and tomorrow I could have pink eyebrows and a shaved head, no one would bat an eyelid. I haven't come from the wealthiest of families and it is important to note that institutions such as Goldsmiths, focus on nurturing the creative minds that haven't been accepted by classic English society and I am proud to be a part of the furniture.
Looking back, the weekend before I begin my second year, despite all of the above, I hardly turned up for class. I wish I attended every lecture and every seminar I was too lazy to roll out of bed for. I wouldn't go in for a week and then find myself sat in a lecture about the 'Idea of Africa' or Edward Said's Orientalism, followed by an equally stimulating seminar.
I did however find it quite hard making friends during my first year, and although I became close with my flatmates, I didn't make half the effort I should have to get to know other people around campus. If I would give anyone any advice it would be to put yourself out there! I know it is easier said than done but having friends to hang with, study with or even meet up with during the break makes a world of difference. A good place to start is joining societies and unfortunately I did not in my first year but lucky for me, I have a second shot... I'm stuck between Yoga and Muay Thai, or both haha.
One aspect of academia that I do have a large problem with and I find many BAME students also point out, is the fact that pretty much all of the important academics we study are white middle class men that apparently made some incredible discovery about life that most probably already existed in one of the many great minds from all over the world. However true this is, it just seems to get old every time a picture of a new theorist pops up on a powerpoint with a grey beard and grey skin to match.
I almost didn't come back to second year, as I had been considering deferring for a very long time. I always seem to lack motivation when it comes to actually doing any work and on top of that studying is expensive, especially while you're trying to travel the world. I had applied for the Erasmus + scheme last minute and through the Sociology department and turns out they liked my application enough to nominate for a position at the University of Vienna. I felt very lucky and realised that if I don't give this opportunity a shot, I would most likely regret it for a long time. I should find out if I get the place within the next two weeks, however there is a chance I'm not accepted, mostly because of my attendance last year. Fingers crossed they are willing to give me a second chance.
Anyway... here I come second year. The workload is gonna be quadruple and I am probably going to feel more lost than before.
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